Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An awesome resource worth checking out

A predictive analytics and visualization engine I found quite interesting. They have a free email update service to help cover ground on topics you find interesting...from politics, to businesses, world events, to stock market tracking.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Explaining Competitive Intelligence

I came across this on the CI2020 Competitive Intelligence website and wanted to share it. An interesting and entertaining video giving some insight into the relatively obscure and unknown world of CI. Enjoy!
Here: Explaining Competitive Intelligence

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Quick thought for the day

Use pattern recognition, behavioral congruency analysis, and asymmetry evaluation to figure it out. You don't even really need to ask questions. Everyone has a unique subconscious algorithm that can be deciphered. Then wait. Don't make a move until you gain edge. Then the Endgame is yours. Like Napoleon Bonaparte once said: "When your adversary is making a mistake, don't correct them".